Experts explained the development of filial piety culture, said that the only responsibility for filial piety is not filial piety

Experts explained the development of filial piety culture, said the development of only the responsibility is not filial diesel generator | diesel generator price / 2012-03-29

The Evolution of Experts Explaining the Development of Filial Piety Culture
Responsibility for maintenance, this is not filial piety
The Ching Ming Festival is approaching and there are more and more people going out. “When one asks for a hundred years old,” remember that “when everything grows, it is clean and bright and clean.” It can be seen that the Qingming season is a good time for the year. However, quite a few people will choose to return home at this time because the Ching Ming Festival is an important festival to worship their ancestors. On that day, thousands of people will go home to sweep the grave, worship their ancestors, and remember their loved ones. In this way, the Ching Ming Festival also became a day for people to express filial piety. According to Wang Junfeng, director of Shandong Xiaonan Aiqin Culture Research Center, the Qingming ancestor worship is a concentrated expression of filial piety. “Not only is this day, we should always be filial and loving.”
1:【Review】 Filial piety formed in ancient ancestor worship
“According to the information we have now seen, filial piety in ancient times was really related to sacrifices. The parents and ancestors of the sacrificial cemetery were one of the important connotations of filial piety.” Professor Zhang Renxuan of Shandong Normal University said when talking about the origin of “filial piety”.
In "The Analects of Confucius Tabor," it was recorded that Confucius believed that there were no faulty places in Daxie. "Because Dae-chan has a simple diet but does his best to honor ghosts and goddesses, his clothes are simple and his sacrifices are as colorful as possible. The ghosts here are dead. The parents and ancestors.” Zhang Renxuan believes that in ancient times, people often combined their ancestors with the gods and thought that their ancestors were “God.” Therefore, people regard rituals as a sacred thing. According to the times, sacrifices are performed in order to worship the order. “Although there is a utilitarian purpose for the ancestors' rituals for praying, it also implies a feeling of gratitude to the ancestors. Filial piety."
In the Zhou Dynasty, there was a combination of "filial piety," "enjoyment," and "cunning." This is also known as "filial piety" and "filial piety." "Book of Changes" records: "To do their best to achieve filial piety, to make things enjoy their own." Sacrificial offerings, respectfully to salute is "filial piety", to the ancestors to make all their sacrifices is "enjoy."
"Ya-Ya Debiao" also said: "Enjoy, filial piety." "So we say that the ancestor worship reflects a kind of filial piety," explained Zhang Renchen.
Shandong filial piety culture has a long history. In the story of “Twenty-four filial piety”, the filial piety in Shandong accounted for half of the country. In the history of the dynasties, many filial piety stories have emerged. “Shandong is the birthplace of filial piety culture.” Ma Jun, a teacher at Changqing Xiaoli Middle School, said, “The filial piety culture originated in the Confucian culture, and the Confucianism originated in Shandong. The Confucian culture emphasizes on 'benevolence and justice'. Filial piety, loyalty, filial piety is from here."
In the Spring and Autumn Period, Confucius pioneered Confucianism and carried forward Confucianism, which has affected Chinese culture for thousands of years, with his disciples. Confucius associated Ren, Li, and Xiao. He believes that the children's filial piety to their parents is to bury their parents and sacrifice their parents. Confucius and Kongmen disciples are almost all dutiful sons. "Confucius believes that according to the ritual system, after the death of their parents, their children should be kept for three years," said Zhang Renxuan. Later, Confucius's disciple Zeng Sen (Zeng Zi) also organized himself into conversation with the teacher Confucius as the "filial piety," teaching people to honor filial piety.
2: Interpretation filial piety is not just to support their parents
"Of course, Confucius said that his ancestors and his deceased parents are also important contributors to filial piety. They think that the maintenance of parents is the basic duty of a dutiful son. At that time, a dutiful son protested and resented the heavy affair of the royal family because he could not return to his service. The family is cultivating land, harvesting food, and it is difficult to support their parents. This is extremely depressing,” said Zhang Rentao.
Supporting parents is the basic duty of a dutiful son. This is a fact that even in modern times, children must obey. However, some people often shirk their responsibility to support their parents because of their incompetence. “In fact, the filial piety of the parents depends mainly on whether the children can do their best, not the size of the force. As early as thousands of years ago, Confucius said,' Parents can do their best. 'Because each child's ability is different, as long as you do your best.' Zhang Renyu said.
Similarly, just treating "parenting" as "filial piety" is also a kind of one-sided understanding. Zhang Renxuan said that Confucius had made sharp criticisms of this kind of understanding. "He thinks that it is not simply a behavior to support parents who are filial. The important thing is to respect the parents.If you are satisfied with materially supporting your parents, that is not true filial piety. Honoring your parents and giving your parents the respect and spiritual comfort of their parents is what makes them filial. Confucius said that those who talk about filial piety think that they can support their parents. Dogs and horses can also be kept. If there is no respect for parents, what is the difference between keeping a dog and a caretaker?" Raising parents and ensuring that parents are free from hunger and cold are basic requirements for filial piety. However, "cultivation" must be combined with "respect" to be called filial piety.
"Education is an external act, respect is an internal emotion, and the filial piety of parents must be made in and out of the world." Zhang Renxuan said: Confucius believes that there are things that need to be done to serve young people; there is food and drink, and the elderly. The first person to use, this is not filial piety. It is difficult for a son to maintain a pleasant appearance in front of his parents. This is filial piety. Confucius also believes that listening to parents and inheriting their parents' wishes are also respectful to their parents and they are filial piety. It is the higher level of filial piety that inherits the behest of the parents and carries them forward in order to achieve the purpose of respecting and honoring the pro. ”
3: 【Abandoning】 Nothing to worry about, no filial piety is a problem
Lu Xun once said that when he was very young, he liked to read a comic book of “24 filial piety.” Later he wrote a story about the dutiful son in the collection of essays “Dreaming Flowers at the Evening of the Flower”. “I puzzled and even resented it. Yes, there are two things: 'Lai Lai entertaining' and 'Guo Ju's burying children'. As for the son of Guo Ju who plays with 'shaking', it is indeed worthy of sympathy. I have been really sweating for this kid. It was easy to dig out an altar of gold, but I already not only did not dare to think about being a son of filial piety, but also feared that my father would be a son of filial piety. The family was going bad, and I often heard my parents pick up the firewood. My grandmother was old. If my father had learned Guo Ju, wouldn’t it be me who had buried it? If there’s nothing out of the way and a pot of gold is made, then naturally it’s a blessing, but then I’m young. It also seems that people in the world may not have such a clever thing.” Since then, the phrase “Xu filial piety” has been frequently mentioned and criticized by scholars of all ages.
“There is no filial piety and no filial piety.” Mu Risheng, a staff member of the Shandong Aged Office, told reporters that there is no such thing as filial filial piety in modern society, and we will not mention it. “Each era has the characteristics of each era. The filial piety may be in line with some of the ancient thoughts, such as the story of Wang Xiang lying on the ice, and we are now controversial. Many people will read and say why he did not take rocks and ice, and melted the ice with fire. The story is inconsistent with our current way of thinking. Similarly, there are too many cases in modern society to abandon parents for the sake of money and temptation. Unfilial piety is the main problem."
4: [Evolution] Lost morality should restore filial piety
"Filial piety is also developing, and each era has its own filial piety." Wang Junfeng believes that today's filial piety is linked to morality. It is "filial piety and love for parents" and "why have we been filial piety culture? There are Xiaoli Town and Xiaoli Middle School in Changqing, Jinan, Xiaoqing Village in Xiaozhi Village in Qingzhou, and the Chinese filial piety culture education and research base in Shandong Vocational College. All of them are to promote filial piety and learn filial piety.”
"Filialism means that students study hard at school and let their parents live a happy life." In Ma Jun's view, filial piety includes "little filial piety," which refers to simple things in life, such as having no money to buy large rooms for parents. However, parents can often give greetings; it also includes “big filial piety”, such as loyalty to the country.
With the development of materials such as money, people's understanding of filial piety is getting weaker and weaker, and morality is lost. The more important significance of regaining "filial piety" is manifested. However, Ma Jun said that this kind of learning can sometimes be misunderstood. Earlier, Xiaoli Middle School students brought a bag of rice to their parents' news and was seen by many people as a school show. People do not understand that it is formalism to say that we are making shows. However, if we can't even do things in forms, we have to go deeper into the content. So, despite being misunderstood, we will continue to do it."
As Ma Jun said, there are many elderly people, especially a part of the rural elderly. Their children go out to work for their livelihoods. After “money” is seen as omnipotent, “filial piety” has already been abandoned. Mu Risheng told reporters, “There are more and more empty-nesters nowadays. They need more than just physical support. They should also be spiritual. A greeting, a phone call, and not worrying parents is filial piety.”
When parents are older, because of the inherent conceptual influences that may create gaps with their children, there is a contradiction. At this time, as children should be “submissive” to their parents. “We say that “filial piety” should be read together, which means that in addition to filial piety Should also be smooth. Filial piety is to do a full range of filial piety." Mu Risheng said.
The Book of Filial Piety:
Different from Zeng Zi's scattered speeches scattered everywhere, it is a systematic book.
The "Book of Filial Piety" has 179 words and a total of 18 chapters. It is a short and medium-term verse of the Thirteen Scriptures, but it covers almost every aspect of social life and has become an important part of China's ancient political and economic life. Affected China for more than two thousand years.
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